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The Latin American Comic Archives was created through the efforts of the following people:

Felipe Gómez Gutiérrez is the lead researcher for the Latin American Comics Archive (LACA). As an associate teaching professor of Hispanic Studies at Carnegie Mellon University, he teaches courses on Spanish language, culture, and cultural studies. His publications include co-edited volumes on Colombian writers Andrés Caicedo and Evelio Rosero, and numerous articles and book chapters on recent and contemporary Latin American comics, literature, and films, published nationally and internationally. His current work includes a book manuscript entitled “Utopia, Dystopia, and Affect in Recent Latin American Comics.”

Daniel Evans is the former Digital Humanities Developer in the Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences at CMU. He is currently a graduate student in the Literary and Cultural Studies program at CMU.

Allison Paige Kuester helped edit and develop the TEI transcriptions of LACA as part of her 2018 dSHARP Summer Internship.

Rikk Mulligan is the Digital Scholarship Strategist in the Unviersity Libraries at CMU. He holds a PhD in American Studies from Michigan State University and works in Popular Culture, more specifically science fiction, fantasy, horror, and comic books and graphic novels. 

Marc Siskin is the Manager of the Modern Language Resource Center, Marc serves as the technical lead for the Language Online program and provides programming support for faculty and graduate student research. Marc has held leadership roles in the Computer-Assisted Language Instruction Consortium (CALICO), the International Association for Language Learning Technology (IALLT), the Northeast Association for Language Learning Technology (NEALLT), and the WorldCALL 2008 Program Committee.

Scott Weingart is the Digital Humanities Specialist in the Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences. As a historian of science he works at the intersection of computational methods and the humanities. He is also a Paul Fortier Prize Winner in the Digital Humanities, an executive council member of the Association for Computers and the Humanities, and author of The Historian's Macroscope(Imperial College Press, 2015). At Carnegie Mellon University, he splits his time between researching, teaching, and directing a faculty grant and graduate fellowship program in the digital humanities.

Olivia Wikle specialized in Digital Humanities as an MLS student at Indiana University. She is familiar with CBML and worked with the TEI transcriptions in LACA as part of her 2017 dSHARP Summer Internship.


Spring 2018

Fall 2017

Additional acknowledgements to Elisa Beshero-Bondar, Martha Mantilla, and David Scherer, who have provided support through consultations at different points.