Welcome to the Latin American Comics Archive, hosted by the Modern Language Resource Center at Carnegie Mellon, is a curated exhibit of comic strips and comic books created in Argentina, Colombia, and Mexico between the 1920s and the present.
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Fragment (13 pages) of the original comic published in book format. In this series, Oesterheld describes his own meeting with a time traveler of…
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An adventure comic in which Jacobo, a peasant boy from the Colombian city of Pasto, travels Colombia in 1910 with his friends Rosita and Rodolfo. [6…
Sarcastic silent comics on Colombian life and culture by Truchafrita. This fragment corresponds to the strip "Vamos campeón" included in issue #8,…
A didactic comic made as an adaptation of "La Nueva Deuda Externa explicada a todos" by Calcagno & Calcagno. First four chapters (30 pages) of the…
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